** 如果網友說話沒有十足把握時,就用 sort of 或 kind of 來緩和語氣。
A: Are there many people coming to John’s part? (有很多人會去參加 John 的派對嗎?)
B: Well, sort of. I know he invited a lot, but I don’t know how many will show up.
** 不好意思當面回絕對方或者潑冷水,網友可以用 sort of 來表示「不贊同」。
A. Aren’t you interested in classical guitar music? I just created a blog about how to play the classical guitar.
B. Well, sort of.
** 不想以完全正面的方式回應對方的問題時,網友可以用 sort of 來表示「某種程度是對的 (某種程度是這樣沒錯的)」。
A. Do you like what you’re doing in school?
B. Sort of.
(嗯,還好 / 一半一半。)
說了這麼多,網友會問:版主你到底想說什麼啊?Good question! I have no idea of what I’m trying to say, sort of."
瘦的分一類 胖的分一類